Create a Life-giving
Family Culture in Your Home

Create a life-giving family culture in your home!

We’re excited to help you:

  • Birth your baby in God’s joy and presence
  • Shepherd your children’s hearts in a fun and life-giving way
  • Create a home of rest and deep connections with each other
  • Delight in joyful learning alongside your kids
  • Raise up powerful warriors for the Kingdom

Children are a precious gift from God and we want to empower you to experience the fullness of this gift.


Here’s to a thriving family life in your home!



“God BLESSED them, saying “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and subdue it.””

Genesis 1:28

Hi, I’m Kierra

As a homeschool mom, childbirth educator, and passionate lover of Jesus, I love family life and helping families thrive.

From pregnancy, to birth, to raising children and creating a life-giving home, my heart is to help you step into God’s joy and fullness in each season.

The very first blessing God gave to mankind was the gift of family, and I believe that He meant for every part of this journey of parenthood to be a blessing.

But the truth is, this isn’t always our reality at parents. Sometimes family life can feel really hard. And we often feel confused and helpless as to how to get back to God’s original intention for it. How do we help our family thrive? How do we walk in God’s joy and peace throughout parenthood?

I pray that the resources you find here will help you on that journey and provide encouragement and tools to empower you to experience God's beautiful intent for your family.

I created these resources for our family and they have brought deep joy and life to our home. May they bless your family as well, bringing abundant life, deep connections, treasured traditions, and joyful discipleship into your home!

With love,
